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Storage Management
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Backup and Recovery
Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
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Herman Mehling
11 articles written
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Can Declustering Save RAID Storage Technology?
One of the challenges facing RAID storage technology is the growing time needed to rebuild failed disks, which increases...
Server Virtualization Drives Storage Networking Sales
Server Virtualizationis obviously great business for virtualization software vendors, but the surprise is that it's been even better business...
Phase Change Memory: The Next Big Thing...
Phase change memory (PCM) — an emerging non-volatile technology pioneered by Intel (NASDAQ: INTC), Numonyx, Samsung and others —...
Solid State Drives Get Faster with TRIM
If you haven't heard of TRIM by now, get ready to join the growing ranks of the initiated, which...
Solid State Drives Take Out the Garbage
The growing use of solid state drive (SSD) technology in data storage applications is shedding light on the way...
The Future of RAID Storage Technology
RAID has been around since David Patterson, Garth Gibson and Randy Katz first described the data storage reliability and...
SSD Makers Wrestle with Performance Degradation
Solid state drives (SSD) are known for performance that is many times that of hard disk drives (HDDs), but...
Intel, AMD Win Data Storage Business
The chip strategies of data storage vendors can never be neatly lumped into one basket, but they are getting...
IBM, NetApp Take on Virtual I/O Bottlenecks
Virtualization has done wonders for server utilization and consolidation, but packing all those virtual machines onto a single server...
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