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Backup and Recovery
Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
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Mike Harwood
15 articles written
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Storage Security Basics: Confidentiality and Integrity
In the first part of our Storage Security Basics series, we looked at authentication, authorization, accountability and access control....
Storage Security Basics
Given the emphasis administrators and corporate managers place on IT security, it's hard to imagine an environment in which...
Storage Basics: The Inside Scoop on Outsourcing
"Outsourcing," "utility computing" and "on-demand" top of the list of most-used phrases in today's IT vernacular. But behind the...
Storage Basics: Reining In Storage Costs
One of the toughest challenges facing IT managers of enterprise networks and data centers is finding cost-effective and reliable...
Storage Basics: Securing iSCSI Using IPSec, Part...
In a previous Storage Basics article, we looked at securing IP communications using the IPSec protocol.With many storage implementations...
Storage Basics: SMI-S
SMI-S Quick Reference What is SMI-S? SMI-S is a standard management interface developed by SNIA to ease the management burden in...
Storage Basics: Securing iSCSI using IPSec
In recent years, iSCSI has emerged as a viable, cost-effective alternative to its more expensive counterpart, Fibre Channel, and...
Storage Basics: Information Lifecycle Management
If you have read any news on the storage industry lately or have accessed any major storage vendor’s web...
Storage Basics: Deciphering SESAs (Strange, Esoteric Storage...
With all the acronyms floating around in storage discussions these days — and with new ones seemingly popping up...
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