Storage Hardware
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Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
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Tom Clark
20 articles written
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Virtual Storage Equals Real Confusion
While doing research for a current book project on storage virtualization, I found it useful to keep a large...
iSCSI, FCIP, iFCP … and iFUD?
In the early days of IP storage protocol development (all of three years ago), vested vendor interests spawned a...
Dumb and Dumber Switches?
In a recent trade press article, Jacob Farmer of Cambridge Computer Systems defiantly declared his opposition to the industry...
Super-Sizing Data Center SANs
Nearly all large enterprises have implemented shared storage based on Fibre Channel SAN technology. Typically, these installations began...
SANs Seek Adoption by SMBs
The high cost of SAN-attached storage, switches, and HBAs has been a barrier to entry for many medium and...
SANs Go International
The initial adoption of SAN technology was promoted by Compaq, Sun, and other vendors in the form of small...
Storage Reality Check – Open Systems Standardization
The evolution of open systems SAN technology is constantly shaped by diverse market contradictions. Customers, for example, often...
Going the Distance for Disaster Recovery
As a subset of more comprehensive business continuance strategies, disaster recovery (DR) focuses on data integrity and availability when...
A New Standard for Fabric Intelligence
While the storage industry continues to debate the issue of where advanced storage services should reside, vendors of fabric...
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