The overall SAN market was flat in the third quarter, but director-class switches were a bright spot, according to Dell’Oro Group.
Sales in the modular storage area network (SAN)
“Expectation of new product introductions during the past two quarters have led to pent-up demand for director switches,” said John Carvell, Dell’Oro’s principal analyst for SAN research. “This has benefited Brocade with its Silkworm 24000 and CNT with its UltraNet Multi-service Director in particular. Both companies have seen growth in revenue for these products.”
Total modular SAN switch revenue was $162 million in the third quarter, Dell’Oro Group said. McData saw its revenue decline by 6% in the quarter, while Brocade
, Cisco
and CNT
posted strong growth.
Brocade grew director revenues by 15%, Cisco by 21%, and CNT by 27%.
Carvell said network managers are revising their SAN network strategy as growing volumes of information require greater storage capacity.
“Enterprises are deploying higher-density switches with increased port capacity to consolidate their network needs and handle increasing storage demand,” Carvell said. “As SAN architecture migrates from a flat topology to a core-to-edge solution, this transition will continue to fuel strong growth in the director product segment.”