Technology futurist and strategic advisor, Ross Dawson, says that understanding what is driving changes in IT infrastructure today is essential to understanding the future of information infrastructure tomorrow. As noted in this Computer World article, Dawson believes that this whole field of big data is an issue because while storage and data are both growing they are not always aligned. This leaves the potential for the pace of data growth to outpace storage growth.
“Central to understanding data growth, Dawson says, is achieving a better understanding of the increase in the number and types of data generation points. And it’s not just about social media with its onslaught if tweets, posts, images and video. New data creation is occurring across many industry sectors thanks to increasingly sophisticated sensor networks.
“‘One of the spaces in monitoring people, such as in the health environment,’ he said. “For example, the elderly people who are unwell can literally generate gigabytes or terabytes of data about their body and bodily functions every day.”