Digiscape was formed in the fall of 1995 as a full service ISP. In spring of 2001 Digiscape merged with Pangaealink, Inc., and expanded its services to include ADSL, Applications and Data Integration Services.
“Digiscape is building an ISP to serve the small and mid sized business in the same markets we are serving,” said David Pressler, COA’s President. He also added, “Business packages will include paging services, web sites, and Internet marketing and application services through Digiscape’s partner programs.
Terry Dougharty, Digiscape’s President said, “We believe that this acquisition will give us the shot in the arm or the `oomph’ we need to expand our business plan. We plan to integrate our services into COA’s customer base to include e-mail mailing lists, e-mail newsletter advertising, billing advertising and direct mail.” He also added, “Some of the services that will be offered in the near future include security services, data storage, and managed application services.”