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HDD market
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HDD Market Outlook: Features, Benefits & Manufacturers
Hard disk drives (HDDs), one of the most popular enterprise storage devices, logged 260.3 million unit sales in 2020.
SSD, SSHD, and HDD: How to Choose
Solid State Drives, Solid State Hybrid Drives, and Hard Disk Drives all offer different data storage features for users depending upon their needs and budgets.
Is the Hard Disk Drive Obsolete? Flash vs....
When IBM made the first hard disk drive (HDD) about 70 years ago, it weighed over a ton and...
The Backup Storage Market in 2022
Anina Ot -
Backup storage is the physical hardware that houses the data copies made during a backup process. Storage solutions made...
The Cloud Storage Security Market in 2022
Anina Ot -
Cloud storage security is the technology, precautions, and protocols used to keep cloud environments secure from threats and unauthorized...
Storage Tiering Market: Features, Benefits, and Providers
Storage tiering is nothing new. However, the new trend is around different tiers of solid state devices (SSD), from...
The Tape Storage Market
The tape storage market has had its ups and downs over the last couple of decades. Tape supposedly perished...
5 HDD Industry Trends to Look For
Hard disk drives (HDDs) are one of the major non-volatile memory storage devices often used in enterprise data centers...
Hardware & Storage Engineer Job Market
The current job market for hardware and storage engineers is growing but that growth is slow.
As global device users...
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