Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
Storage Hardware
Storage Software
Storage Management
Storage Networking
Backup and Recovery
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Jeffrey Layton
42 articles written
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Data Storage, AI, and IO Patterns
Also see: Artificial Intelligence and Data StorageAI is one of the hot new topics in computing and with good...
Artificial Intelligence and Data Storage
"My God. It's Full of Data" - Bowman (My apologies to 2001: A Space Odyssey)Just in case you weren't...
Enterprise SSDs and Storage Design
Enterprise SSDs Solid State Drives (SSDs) have been around a lot longer than you think. Their current popularity started a...
Storage Design for Enterprise SSDs
Enterprise SSDs Solid State Drives (SSDs) have been around a lot longer than you think. Their current popularity started a...
Enterprise SSD and (Much) More: Can File...
Storage technology is evolving extremely rapidly but our file systems are not. Is it time to re-think files systems...
Drive Reliability Studies
Hard drive reliability has certainly generated research. A highly noteworthy example is the work of (2007), Bianca Schroeder and...
Mean Time Between Failure: SSD vs. HDD
Hard drive reliability has certainly generated research. A highly noteworthy example is the work of (2007), Bianca Schroeder and...
Have Hard Drives Jumped the Shark?
You have probably watched Happy Days at some point in your life (even Mark Whatney watched it while stranded...
DevOps and Storage
DevOps represents a cultural shift in how applications are developed and deployed. It can also be used in server...
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