LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc., a supplier of storage solutions for the open enterprise, today announced that VERITAS Volume Replicator(TM) has been qualified to provide comprehensive replication services for the LSI Logic MetaStor(R) E-Series storage arrays.
In conjunction with LSI Logic MetaStor E-Series storage arrays, VERITAS Volume Replicator, the companies claim, provides a seamless, state-of-the-art solution for remote mirroring of data across any IP network (LAN or WAN) without disruption to continuing online operations. Applications of the remote mirroring technology include disaster planning and recovery, remote backup, backup consolidation, load balancing, and site migration.
Qualification of the VERITAS Volume Replicator for use with MetaStor E-Series storage systems is another element of LSI Logic Storage Systems’ strategy to enable medium and large enterprises to reduce the total cost of computing in today’s heterogeneous IT environment by reducing the number of servers and storage systems needed to provide high performance, high availability computing, and by significantly increasing storage and systems administrator span of control.