Rorke Data Demonstrates First Ever SAN for Mac OSX

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Rorke Data, a leader in SAN, RAID, and Archive storage solutions for the digital Post-Production, Broadcast, and Prepress industries, announced today that it will demonstrate the first ever file-level SAN management application developed for Apple Computer’s Macintosh OSX operating system. Rorke Data, in partnership with its sister organization, Bell Microproducts Enterprise Solutions Europe, located in Almere, The Netherlands, will introduce the new SAN management software to a wide range of digital content application developers and their worldwide reseller organizations at this year’s International Broadcasting Convention trade event being held September 13-17 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“ImageSAN OSX is the next logical development milestone for the ImageSAN product suite, and the IBC trade show is the perfect venue for the roll-out,” explained Joe Rorke, Vice President of Marketing for Rorke Data. Rorke continued, “ImageSAN was developed specifically for the world-wide digital content market space that includes non-linear editing and special effects for film and video; it is a data storage-intensive vertical market where the Macintosh is a dominate force.”

“The benefits of SAN-based workflow for content creation is now an accepted premise, however typical SAN application developers are focused on general IT Enterprise applications,” said Bob Herzan, Vice President of Sales for Rorke Data’s AV Markets, “ImageSAN OSX is the direct result of Rorke Data’s 15 year history and association with key content creation application developers that focus on Film, Video, and Broadcast. A large proportion of the content users are perfect candidates for a robust, yet easy-to-use SAN solution; they live in a world without MIS Directors, where large-sized data files are the norm, and collaborative Macintosh workgroups drive the workflow.” Herzan concluded, “Our application is designed to emulate a local drive look and feel familiar to editors and effects specialists. This local drive implementation greatly simplifies the ImageSAN installation and usage when compared to competitor’s networked drive-based deployments inherent to the traditional MIS environment.”
Rorke Data will make an upgrade program available for Macintosh OS 9-based SAN application users, regardless of the brand of the SAN application or the original point of purchase.

ImageSAN PC and the new ImageSAN OSX are available exclusively through Rorke Data and authorized resellers. The MSRP is $1500 USD/user license.

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