The SpinServer 3300G consolidates the file services of any size enterprise
by non-disruptively scaling a single file system from 1 terabyte to 11,000
terabytes of capacity and provides cost savings through simplified
management and more efficient use of hardware resources.
Near linear performance scaling inherent to the Spinnaker architecture delivers the
ever-increasing throughput demanded by the file system as it is scaled up in
size. The Spinnaker architecture delivered the highest results ever posted
on the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) System File Server 3.0
(SFS 3.0) test for NAS server performance, where the SpinServer 3300
recorded 23,363 IOPS in a single node test and 117,538 IOPS in a 6-node
cluster test.
The SpinServer 3300G is based on the same architecture as the currently
shipping SpinServer 3300, a complete storage solution with integrated
storage. Both products support a rich set of functionality, including
snapshots, scalable clustering, non-disruptive file and file system
movement, server failover, and multi-point mirroring. The products can be
seamlessly interconnected in a SpinCluster of up to 512 SpinServers.
“The Spinnaker 3300G marks another milestone for Spinnaker Networks,
representing a flexible and manageable approach to connecting NAS gateways
to existing storage systems,” said Jamie Gruener, Senior Analyst of the
Yankee Group. “For customers looking for better storage efficiency and a way
to eliminate the islands of management found in traditional NAS, the 3300G
needs to be part of the buying considerations.”
“Our new SpinServer 3300G delivers the file system scaling that is missing
from other NAS gateway products,” said Jeff Hornung, Spinnaker Networks’
Vice President of Marketing. “As customers scale their back-end SAN
storage, Spinnaker allows them to scale their front-end NAS capability
without increasing the management complexity inherent in other NAS
The SpinServer 3300G maximum file system size of 11,000 terabytes eclipses
other NAS gateway products. By comparison, Network Appliance supports a
maximum file system size of 8 terabytes with its recently announced,
top-of-the-line gateway, the FAS960.
The SpinServer 3300G shares a common SAN storage pool between file-level and
block-level applications and provides cost saving through simplified
management and efficient hardware utilization. Only the SpinServer 3300G
can recover stranded capacity across multiple SAN islands and combine it
into a global file system with an easy-to-manage single namespace.
The SpinServer 3300G provides an open storage platform, freeing customers
to deploy disk storage from Spinnaker or other enterprise-class storage
vendors. Spinnaker is currently working with leading third-party storage
vendors to certify the SpinServer 3300G. Announcements are expected during
the first quarter of 2003.
End user pricing for a high performance NAS gateway with a rich set of software features is under