is turning its focus to storage and backup, services that are paramount in the minds of big business CIOs.Run over the Woburn, Mass., company’s Internet protocol (IP) network, the new Black Rocket Storage suite includes remote data replication, on-demand
additional capacity and remote site fail-over. The new services can be used alone, or as part of Genuity’s hosting platform.“Not having an adequate business continuity plan is dangerous. It can cost a company millions of dollars, and even place a business at risk,” said Jim
Freeze, a Genuity vice president. “Companies need to ensure that their data is backed up, secure, and retrievable.”Genuity said its remote data replication is the first IP-based mirrored storage offering from a service provider. It works by placing information in two data centers,
and on one or more physically separate storage systems.The setup uses Symmetrix Remote Data Facility software from Hopkinton, Mass.-based storage leader EMC
. The two company initially inked a product integration deal
in April.As part of its product launch, Genuity is offering a 30-day trial program that enables customers to implement and evaluate the service before buying it. Once a
customer has committed, they can pay as they go, avoiding the need to lock into costly, higher-capacity utilization at the outset.Shares of GENU opened down 0.01, or nearly 1 percent, to 1.17. In the last 52 weeks, the issue has ranged from 10.01 to 45.96. EMC stock was off 0.20, or nearly 2 percent, to 11.85. It has ranged between 10.01 and 45.96 in the last 52 weeks.